Americanly Yours

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Quick Thought On Bipartisanship

February 10, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

I just have a quick thought about President Obama’s recent rhetoric. He has made a big deal about claiming to want to pursue bipartisanship solutions. However, his “stimulus” bill was supported by zero Republicans in the House and only 3 in the Senate. Yet, he has the audacity to chide the Republican Party for not practicing bipartisanship—doesnt it take two parties to work in a bipartisanship manner? If a President fails to get any significant support from the opposition party, both parties (not just the opposition) have failed to act in a bipartisan manner.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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3 Comments to “Quick Thought On Bipartisanship”


    “…doesnt it take two parties to work in a bipartisanship manner?”

    Someone asked a similar question during the press conference last night.

    His response was that his economic advisors are both Republican and Democrat, and his commerce secretary is a fiscal conservative. Thus, he is not being hypocritical by saying this was a bipartisian stimulus.

  2. Thanks for commenting!

    The laws are passed in Congress and this is the stage where bipartisanship matters. Congress is made up of the representatives of the people. Over 41% of the members of the US House are Republicans and when a bill is passed without the support of even one of these Republicans, there can be no claim of bipartisanship–even if several Republicans advised the President on the plan. And on that point, we dont know if those Republican advisers supported any or all of the President’s plan.

    Bipartisanship has to extend beyond the policy crafting phase. Just because a Republican or two helped to advise him does not make the bill bipartisan.


    “Over 41% of the members of the US House are Republicans and when a bill is passed without the support of even one of these Republicans there can be no claim of bipartisanship–even if several Republicans advised the President on the plan.”

    Yes there can. Republicans can vote NAY on a bill and still think Obama is operating bi-partisanly (non sure if that is really an adverb).

    According to the most recent polls, there are more Republicans who beleive President Obama is making an effort to engage the GOP than who believe otherwise. Proof: (page 10, q22)


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