Americanly Yours

Promoting Free Markets, Free Trade, and Freedom!


April 22, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

To all conservatives (and especially those in the Republican Party),

You probably enjoyed yesterday’s post quite a lot.  You have probably enjoyed many of my posts so far.  But that is because they have focused almost exclusively on economic issues.

The term conservative is far more difficult to define than liberal.  Almost 25% of registered Democrats consider themselves to be conservatives.  Then there are those in the Constitution Party who declare that they are the real conservatives.  Of course, there is also the crowd that calls former President George W. Bush a liberal.

Who is a conservative?  Is John McCain a conservative?  Is George W. Bush?  Is Ron Paul?  Is Mitt Romney?  Is Sarah Palin?

Does conservativism seek to maintain the status quo?  Or, does it seek to return to the “good old days?”

Just as with liberals, there are a range of people who are considered conservatives.  I am writing to the broadest range of them.  This is much more difficult to do with conservatives than with liberals.

You claim to be the party of small, limited government.  Yet, each Republican administration that has come to power following a Democratic administration has increased the size and scope of government by more than the Democratic administration preceding it.  I have little doubt that if a Republican candidate were to defeat President Obama in 2012 or win in 2016, he or she would increase, rather than decrease the power of the federal government.

In the months after 9/11, President Bush’s approval ratings reached 90%.  Did the Republican Party use its new political capital to eliminate wasteful programs?  Did it use this power to create any committees to review proposals for the reform or elimination of Social Security, Medicare, or any other significant government program? No, in fact, you pushed for—and got—a large expansion of Medicare. The No Child Left Behind debacle which was an extremely expensive bill which was pushed by conservatives and Republicans and gave the Federal government much more power over education.

You claim to be the defenders of the Constitution.  You rail against liberals for violating the 2nd and 10th Amendments.  True, they do ignore those amendments.  But you do your fair share of ignoring them too.  President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program was an unconstitutional violation of the 4th Amendment.  And lets at least be consistent on the 4th Amendment.  When President Bush and his team pushed for the monitoring of phones, you called it necessary for the protection of America.  Yet, when Democrats and President Obama want similar powers over the internet, you cry foul.  As if your defense of warrantless wiretapping didnt set this up.

And while we are on the Constitution, you have also ignored the 10th Amendment and used it for your own political purposes.  Whether you support or oppose abortion, the federal government has no Constitutional basis for setting abortion policy.  The same is true for gay marriage.  The 10th Amendment gives this power to the States, where it belongs.  This power was delegated to the States so that divisive social issues would not be played out on the national arena.

How can those who claim to support limited government continue to push for so much expanded power of the government? The simple answer here is that many of those who claim to be opposed to government control are actually only opposed when their side is not in control.

You claim to be the party which supports freedom.  You claim to be the party of personal responsibility.  Yet, you have prosecuted an endless war on drugs.  Your policies have sent millions of your fellow citizens to prison for offenses which harmed no one but themselves.  I know that the Democratic Party has not exactly come out in favor of legalization or decriminalization of drugs, but the Republican Party has been relentless in promoting the prosecution of drug offenders.  [Plus, President Obama has made some great moves in this area.  More on that in a future article.]

You rail against President Obama for supporting bailouts and stimulus, but remember that the first stimulus bill was passed last year and signed by President Bush.  The TARP bill and several other bailouts, including that of AIG were all pushed through by President Bush.  I know that many of you have been against these moves since the beginning, but plenty of you were not and did not take a stand until President Obama took office.

You have supported economic populism, creating and continuing policies which have contributed to the current financial crisis.  Using the government’s power of regulations over financial companies to force banks to lend to those who couldnt afford to buy homes is exactly what caused this mess.  Yes, this practice was made government policy under President Clinton, but Republicans controlled Congress then–and did for another 8 years.

You criticize the Democrats for supporting inefficient social welfare programs which you say infringe on the free market.  Yet, you support corportate welfare.  You have given American companies tax breaks to ship jobs overseas.  Yes, outsourcing is a good, natural step that our economy needs to take, but the government should never subsidize private companies, especially for the purpose of eliminating American jobs.

Previously, I wrote that I found “it ironic that the same people who criticized President Bush for every little thing that he did–whether it was right, wrong, or unimportant have now resorted to questioning the Patriotism of people like me for simply disagreeing with President Obama.” You conservatives probably loved that comment.  But when did this start?  Anyone who criticized the previous administration was criticized as unpatriotic, un-American, or was accused of being soft of terrorists.  The medicine doesnt taste so great when you have to take it.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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7 Comments to “Conservatives”

  1. Finally. This should put your little right-winged followers into a hissy fit.

  2. Larry=Tyler

  3. Well said, I think this is something every person that calls themselves, “Republican”, “Conservative” or anything like that, needs to read.

  4. Thank you. I have been screaming this at the top of my lungs. This is what I went to the Tea Party’s to say. It’s time we start following the corrupt under the guise of conservative and liberal and take our country back.

  5. Nice job. I liked it. But you slipped off the rails along the way when you began talking about republicans as if all conservative-leaning Americans endorse and support all the republicans currently in Congress. For instance, you said, “You criticize the Democrats for supporting inefficient social welfare programs which you say infringe on the free market. Yet, you support corportate welfare.” No, sir. The republicans in Congress might have created that situation, but I doubt a majority of conservative-leaning Americans truly support it.

    Personally, I voted for the republicans in the last two presidential elections ONLY because the democrat alternatives were just too far removed from my political philosophies to support (and in the case of Kerry, he was just too creepy). As someone who was once opposed to the idea that a strong third-party candidate was a bad idea because it meant someone could be elected President of the United States with as much as 66% of the vote against him or her, I now welcome the prospect. A third-party candidate would have to be placed midway between the extremists in both of the main parties to have any chance of winning, and that’s okay with me.

    But please don’t keep making the mistake of automatically assuming conservative=republican/liberal=democrat.

    Historically, the vast majority of Americans have held BOTH conservative and liberal views, depending on the issue, and to assume Americans are all one way or the other is an overly simplistic belief.

  6. Basically, our republican politicians are failing us as conservatives and public speakers. They should have explained immediately that the entire recession has been caused by a credit crunch due to faulty mortgages. It eventually reached all other markets but started with mortgage loans. The faulty mortgages came about due to legislation pushed for by Barney Frank way back in the 90’s to extend mortgages to a specific demographic regardless of ability to repay. It was forced on the banks. This is not the free market at work. This is liberal policy forced on a free market that cannot work. The free market would have never made those loans, but when required by law then they had to twist it so as to show a profit. We lost the last election as republicans due to the economy at the time and nothing more. All it takes is knowledge to defeat stupidity. Political parties that completely ignore history are destined for failure. This time will be no different. I truly dont know how Nancy Peloci, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, etc…..keep getting re-elected. If I were a liberal, I would immediately change parties the minute I heard one of these people open their mouths. They sound unbelievably stupid. Not just the way they speak but the words they speak.

  7. Jeff– you said

    “If I were a liberal, I would immediately change parties the minute I heard one of these people open their mouths. They sound unbelievably stupid. Not just the way they speak but the words they speak.”

    you are a conservative. have you not thought about changing parties when any of “your people” open their mouths? they also sound unbelievably stupid.


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