Bill To Audit The Federal Reserve Gaining Steam
I have written previously about a bill in Congress to audit the Federal Reserve.
There are currently 280 sponsors and cosponsors of this bill in the House of Representatives. This is enough to pass the bill with a substantial majority and only 11 supporters short of a veto-proof majority!
Remember, this bill is about transparency. It is about letting the American people know where trillions of their dollars went. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation which controls our nation’s money supply and interest rates. It has been around since 1913 and has never been audited.
On top of that, the Federal Reserve’s Chairman, Ben Bernanke, doesnt seem to know whats going on in his own shop. When asked by Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson which foreign banks received over $500,000,000,000 [$500 billion], Bernanke DID NOT KNOW THE ANSWER. Watch:
We have just started to step up efforts in the Senate. There are currently 21 sponsors and cosponsors of this bill in the Senate. On top on this, Senator (and former hall of fame pitcher) Jim Bunning has come out in support of this bill, but has not sponsored it as of today.
I have been leading a campaign to bombard two Senators each day (one Democrat and one Republican) with phone calls in support of this measure. Hundreds of phone calls are being made daily. This really is a grassroots effort. Those who follow me on Facebook are probably well aware of this campaign. Many of you have stepped up and adopted the status messages I have posted regarding this effort.
I urge those of you who havent been involved yet to get involved. This is grassroots Democracy at its finest. For those of you on Facebook, I urge you to spred the word about this effort to your friends.
I recommend adopting the following Facebook status messages for the rest of the week:
Status for today (7/29):
S. 604 (The Audit the FED Bill) Now has the support of 21 Senators! Victory is within reach. Lets target 1 Democrat and 1 Republican today and bombard them with calls to get their support. Democrat: Al Franken (MN) (202) 224-5641. Republican: Jeff Sessions (AL) (202) 224-4124. It literally takes less than 2 minutes to call! PLEASE REPOST!!!
Status for tomorrow (7/30):
S. 604 (The Audit the FED Bill) Now has the support of 21 Senators! Victory is within reach. Lets target 1 Democrat and 1 Republican today and bombard them with calls to get their support. Democrat: Mark Udall (CO) (202) 224-5941. Republican: Olympia Snowe (ME) (202) 224-5344. It literally takes less than 2 minutes to call! PLEASE REPOST!!!
Status for Friday (7/31):
S. 604 (The Audit the FED Bill) Now has the support of 21 Senators! Victory is within reach. Lets target 1 Democrat and 1 Republican today and bombard them with calls to get their support. Democrat: Joe Lieberman (CT) (202) 224-4041. Republican: Mitch McConnell (KY) (202) 224-2541. It literally takes less than 2 minutes to call! PLEASE REPOST!!!
And please be sure to make the phone calls. You can call two Senators and express your feelings on this bill in less than two minutes. Let them know that this bill is about transparency and that the American people have a right to know where their money is going. Remind them that the Federal Reserve has been around since 1913 and has never been audited. Here a list of contact information for all US Senators.
Americanly Yours,
Phred Barnet
Please help me promote my site:
Got your link from a friend. Really great work! I agree with needing to audit the Federal Reserve and see where the heck our dollars are going. I also run a conservative blog
so it’s nice to see others out there doing their part!
1This article is featured on R3publicans today:
And the video link has been posted on End the Fed on facebook group.
It is a delight to meet and work with the author of this blog on matters to Audit the Fed so we can proceed appropriately from there.
Sandra Crosnoe for
ps Please visit our coalition efforts with the Constitutional Liberty Coalition also if you think appropriate. Our goal is to find Grassroots leaders in all 50 states to share information without appointing national leaders – sort of like the original idea if you know what I mean! and also on facebook (hoping to repost the R3 article there soon also).
pps On twitter check our @scrosnoe @dripusa and @reland1 to link up with our Don’t Return Incumbent Politicians efforts. Remember that the differences between a Politician and a Statesman are apparent in the number of NO votes these days and with the expansion of federal control vs state sovereignty efforts as well.
2IT will be good to audit the FED, but if that is all that is done they will still hide some things. It will not get us out the devaluation of the dollar nor our economic crisis. SIX MONTHS after the FED is audited , WE the PEOPLE must make sure the GOVERNMENT shuts down the FED if we want the healing to begin . RECOVERY will not happen soon it took along time to get to the crisis but the down turn in the economy will not be as severe if the FED is audited before SEPTEMBER 2009 and sut down in JAN.2010.