Logo Design Contest
Ive got no artistic skills whatsoever and I need a new logo for my site.
It needs to be 576 x 131 pixels. It needs to be either your original work or work that you have permission to use. Other than that, there are no guidelines. Design whatever logo you think would work best for this site. The contest will run until July 4th, but I reserve the right to stop it earlier if I get a design that I really like.
I will give the winner 2% of the revenues from my site (not a lot right now, but its growing) until July 4th, 2010.
Im gonna put it up on top of the site where the stretched out Gadsden flag is now.
You can email it to me at phredbarnet@gmail.com
Americanly Yours,
Phred Barnet
Please help me promote my site: