Trillion Dollar Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See!!!
The nonpartisan CBO made a disturbing announcement in regards to our future budget deficits yesterday.
“President Barack Obama’s budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush’s presidency.” Remember that Mr. Obama criticized President Bush for sharply increasing the deficit which Mr. Obama inherited. Well, Mr. Obama’s ambitious plans will leave his successor with a much much larger debt to inherit.
President Obama inherited a deficit of about $1,000,000,000,000 [$1 trillion] from President Bush’s administration–and the Democratic Congress. He then added another $800,000,000,000 [$800 billion] to the budget by passing his gargantuan “stimulus” plan.
Mr. Obama did inherit a large annual deficit from the Bush administration, however, trillion dollar deficits were by no means emblematic of the Bush administration’s record. President Bush’s deficits peaked at $412,700,000,000 [$417 billion] in 2004, but dropped down to $162,000,000,000 [$162 billion] by 2007– a drop of over 60% from its peak. In 2008, the deficit did soar to record heights, however this was mainly due to the massive stimulus bill that sent every working American a check and was championed by President Bush and the Democratic Congress. However 2008’s record deficit is still 1/4 of the size of this year’s deficit and less than half of the projected average annual deficit for the next decade!
And, the $9,300,000,000,000 [$9.3 trillion] in deficits projected by the CBO is $2,300,000,000,000 [$2.3 trillion] higher than the total deficits projected by President Obama back in February. As you may recall, I previously wrote about Mr. Obama’s plans to “cut the deficit in half” by 2013 and criticized that statement as a distortion of the facts. However, the CBO is now projecting that Mr. Obama’s deficit for that year will be $139,000,000,000 [$139 billion] higher than the numbers that he announced in February! “Obama’s budget promises to cut the deficit to $533 billion in five years. The CBO says the red ink for that year will total $672 billion.” And, following that year, the deficits will begin to climb again, ageraging just under $1,000,000,000,000 [$1 trillion] each year for the next ten years!!!
The avergae deficit for the next ten years will be as large or larger than the one that President Obama criticized President Bush for leaving behind.
The large increases in spending in 2008 and 2009 have been justified by Presidents Bush and Obama and Congress as temporary measures that are “necessary to end the recession and stabilize the economy.” But economists, the Foderal Reserve, and the CBO are all saying that the recession will end in late 2009 or early 2010. Why then is the President proposing budgets that continue to promote reckless deficit spending after the crisis has ended?
Americanly Yours,
Phred Barnet
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