Americanly Yours

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Audit The Federal Reserve

May 01, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

Congressman Ron Paul has proposed an interesting bill in the House of Representatives.  No, it isnt another “crazy” proposal from the Congressman, but rather a very sensible one.

If passed, this bill would require that an audit of the Federal Reserve take place before December of 2010.

The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 and has never been subjected to a government or independent audit.   The Federal Reserve controls the Nation’s money supply and has the power to print new money as it sees fit.  It also controls interest rates, and therefore has a great deal of influence (to say the least) on our economy.

It is also a private corporation, owned by its members–the same large banks who are being blamed for the current financial crisis.

Requiring an audit of this institution is just plain common sense.

I do not see how any sensible, reasonable person could oppose this on any grounds.

This bill now has 112 cosponsors in the House.  The number is growing every day.  This bill is also getting bipartisan support.  One of the cosponsors is California Representative Lynn Woolsey.  She is vice-chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and was the first House of Representatives member to call for withdrawal from Iraq.  Georgia Representative Tom Price, a staunch conservative is also a cosponsor.  This bill also has the support of plenty of other prominent Democrats and Republicans.

I would not be surprised if President Obama threw his support behind this bill.  The President claims to be a very big proponent of transparency.  Supporting this bill would be a great way to prove it.

From Congressman Paul: “Since its inception, the Federal Reserve has operated without sufficient transparency or accountability to the American people. In fact, current law specifically excludes the Fed from audit or real congressional oversight. No government agency has such an utter lack of sunshine.

The Federal Reserve has created and dispersed trillions of dollars in response to our current financial crisis. Of course, I am among the most outspoken critics of the bailouts, but Americans across the nation, regardless of their opinion of the TARP program, want to know where that money has gone and exactly how much has been spent.”

There is a similar bill now being proposed in the Senate.

Please click here to email and/or call your Senator, Representative, President, and/or Vice President.

With your help, an audit of the Federal Reserve will soon take place.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Secession In Georgia?

April 30, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

Here is a story that you most likely missed.  There wasnt a single mention of it in the media (any media outlets) until two weeks after it happened.

Earlier this month, the Georgia State Senate voted 43-1 in favor of a bill that would have had major consequences if it had also been passed by the State House.

The bill mentioned the 9th and 10th Amendments frequently and explained they many ways in which the Federal government has ignored those Amendments and userped State power.

But this wasnt just your typical States Rights resoultion.  The second section of the bill reads in part:

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any Act by the Congress of the United States, Executive Order of the President of the United States of America or Judicial Order by the Judicatories of the United States of America which assumes a power not delegated to the government of the United States of America by the Constitution for the United States of America and which serves to diminish the liberty of the any of the several States or their citizens shall constitute a nullification of the Constitution for the United States of America by the government of the United States of America.”

Yeah.  This bill wasnt just “affirming States Rights.”  It wasnt just threatening secession.  It was asserting that any act perceived to be an unconstitutional intrusion on the rights of States or citizens would constitute a dissolving on the Union.

It then listed several offenses as examples of what could trigger the dissolution of the Nation, including:

IV. Surrendering any power delegated or not delegated to any corporation or foreign government.

VI. Further infringements on the right to keep and bear arms including prohibitions of type or quantity of arms or ammunition

Ill remind you that this resolution passed by a vote of 43-1.

Number IV is already being violated by the continued existence of the Federal Reserve which is a private corporation.  In other words, the passage of this bill into law would have meant that the State would be giving itself the legal right to secede–or more accurately to declare that the United States government no longer existed.  Of course, no President including Mr. Obama would ever agree that an act such as limiting the number of guns one could own would trigger the death of the Union.  And of course, it is unclear whether or not Georgia would actually follow through with their threat to secede.

This seems to be an idea which is gaining more steam in the South.  This was 2 weeks before Texas Governor Perry brought up secession at a Tea Party.  I am in the process of conducting an interview with a Republican candidate for Governor of Texas in 2010 named Larry Kilgore who is running as a secessionist.  He ran in the primary last year for Senator and won about 225,000 voted and 18.5% of the vote against a Republican incumbant.  A recent poll showed that 48% of Texas Republicans  and about 15% of Texas Democrats favor secession.  This could be an interesting race to keep an eye on.

Here in Georgia, however, I have hardly heard a word about it.  Certainly not a word from any prominant State officials.  I had no idea that the State Senate was so overwhelmingly in favor of secession.  My guess is that many of those who voted in favor of the bill, entitled “Affirming states’ rights based on Jeffersonian principles; and for other purposes” did not read the bill.  This is why you read the bill before voting on it.  Bills often have titles that dont fully explain what they are about.  The title of this bill made no reference to secession of dissolving the Union.  This bill really wasnt that long.  You can find it here.

These certainly are interesting times we live in…

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Sowell Articles

April 29, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

I really busy again today.  Im gonna post 4 Thomas Sowell articles.  Ill be back tomorrow with original posts.

If you only read one, read the “Are You An Extremist” one.

Magic Words In Politics

Magic Numbers In Politics

Words Versus Realities

Are You An Extremist?

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Absolute Power

April 28, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector, most recently famous for his reactions to the New England Patriots Spygate scandal has announced his switch from the Republican party to the Democratic party.

He gave a very well written statement which included the following paragraph:

“While each member of the Senate caucuses with his Party, what each of us hopes to accomplish is distinct from his party affiliation. The American people do not care which Party solves the problems confronting our nation. And no Senator, no matter how loyal he is to his Party, should or would put party loyalty above his duty to the state and nation.”

I agree with his sentiments, but…

This switch gives the Democratic party absolute control over the government.  Of course, having this power does not guarantee that the Democrats will abuse this power, but it does make this possible.

With the switch and the future seating of Al Franken as Minnesota’s Senator (they should seat him already, as he has clearly won the election), the Democrats will control 60 Senate seats.  Thus, the party will have control of the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.

The Democrats will be able to pass–without debate–any bill that they want.  If you are a Democrat, this might seem like a good idea.  It isnt.  Giving one party carte blanche to do as they please without restrictions, debate, or input from the opposition is always dangerous.  Even in a Republic like ours.

The founding fathers created a system of separation of powers.  They created both a separation of the legislature and executive branches, as well as a separation of the two different legislative houses.  They did this so that no faction could gain enough power to control all of the organs of government.

Lord Acton said “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  I hope for our sake that he was wrong.

In his statement, Senator Spector also said:

“My change in party affiliation does not mean that I will be a party-line voter any more for the Democrats that I have been for the Republicans. Unlike Senator Jeffords’ switch, which changed party control, I will not be an automatic 60th vote for cloture.”

I hope for the sake of the Nation that he sticks to those words.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Facebook Restored My Account

April 28, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

On Friday, April 17th, Facebook deleted my account. I was at a bar drinking and picked up my phone and got on facebook. I was going to post a message on a friend’s wall, but after being able to see the wall, I was logged out. The next morning, I tried to get into my facebook account only to find that it had been deleted by Facebook.

Who knows if the deletion was due to political stuff. I did find this interesting blog post about a similar case:

I sent them an email Saturday morning trying to figure out what the deal was and finally received the following response on Friday, April 24th:


Fake names are a violation of our Terms of Use. Facebook requires users to provide their full first and last names (i.e. no initials). Nicknames can be used in the form of FirstName ‘NickName’ LastName, but only if they are a variation on your real first or last name, such as ‘Bob’ instead of ‘Robert’. Additionally, please note that impersonating anyone or anything is prohibited.

If you would like to use this profile again, just get back to us with your real name, and we will look into the reactivation of your account.

Thanks for your understanding,

User Operations

I sent them back the following message:

To whom it may concern,

So my account was disabled because i spelled my name Phred instead of Fred? There are so many names out there that are quite obviously fake. How come my account was deleted instead of theirs?

Yes, my name is Fred. But i go by Phred. My parents spell my name like that, so do my friends and my girlfriend. I turn in all school assignments with the name Phred on the papers and this is how my teachers and administrators at school know me. Even my boss writes my name as Phred. Additionally, both my hunting license and the checks on my bank account have my name spelled as Phred.

According to your policy, i have to use my full first name. Does this mean that I need to go by Frederic, as this is my full first name, not Fred?

I am asking you again to please restore my account.


I guess it worked. Im back!!! They restored my name as Frederic ‘Phred’ [Not gonna put my Facebook last name on the blog, but just know that they restored my fake name back].  I got rid of the Frederic and changed it back to what it was.

The fan group for Americanly Yours has also been restored.  If you havent visited it yet, please do so.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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