Americanly Yours

Promoting Free Markets, Free Trade, and Freedom!


April 09, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

I find it ironic that the same people who criticized President Bush for every little thing that he did–whether it was right, wrong, or unimportant have now resorted to questioning the Patriotism of people like me for simply disagreeing with President Obama.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Withdraw Your Money On April 15th

April 09, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

I have already mentioned that on April 15th, there will be “Tea Parties” across the country to protest things like the bailouts and so-called stimulus packages.  Other people will be protesting federal income taxes and the federal governments intrusion of States rights.

I will be attending the protest at the Georgia State Capitol Building.  There are hundreds of such protests across the country.  As I said earlier, organizers are expecting to have at least 5,000-10,000 people at the Atlanta protest meaning that there could be hundreds of thousands–if not more people attending these protests nationwide.

Some people may not be able to attend the protests for whatever reason.  I have come up with an idea that will still allow you to participate.  My idea is simple:  I urge everyone who banks at a government owned bank to remove your money from that bank–ask for cash–on or slightly before April 15th.  The banks owned by our government are listed here.

Withdrawing money from these banks, at least temporarily, will show the government how powerful the anti-socialism movement is.  No, this wont collapse the banking system, but it will send a strong message.  For each dollar taken out of banks, roughly 12 dollars is removed from the system.  According to FDIC guidelines, a bank is considered to be “adequately capitalized” if it has only 8% of its deposits on hand.  A massive withdrawal of money from government owned banks could cause many of these government owned banks to fall below this 8% threshold, causing great embarrassment to the administration, while demonstrating our power to those in charge.

Its just an idea, but I hope that you’ll pass it on.

It is time that we stand up and take our country back.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Site Stuff

April 08, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

As you can see, I have changed the layout.  I think this is more user friendly.

I have also updated the “about” page.

I was planning on updating the “companies to boycott” page with a list of companies that are owned by the United States or foreign governments.  I have had a major setback in that effort.  For those of you who do not already know, I spilled a large cup of water on my laptop and fried it.  It wont start up now and so I have lost all of the information I have relating to these companies, as well as the Excel spreadsheet that I was compiling.  That being said, I would still like to update that section, and if you have information on companies that are owned by any government–foreign or domestic–please feel free to email the information that you have.  I want to make a list of which companies are owned by governments, which governments own the companies, and how much of the companies are owned by governments.  Please make sure that any information that you pass along to me comes from a reliable source.

I mentioned my broken computer above.  This will undoubtedly reduce the number of updates that I can post onto the site, as I no longer have as much access to a computer.  I will, however, try to post at least one article per day.

Finally, please do what you can to spread my site around to others.  Please remember to hit the share button that I place at the end of posts.  Also, if you havent already done so, please join the Facebook fan page that I have set up.  This site has already reached 117 fans, but I’d like to add to that significantly and I need your help.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Our National Debt Is Higher Than The Entire World’s GDP!!!

April 08, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

One of this site’s readers, Zach Williams sent me this news clip from February.  In this short clip, economist Stephen Moore explains that on top the national debt that is talked about, we actually have several other national debts.  These debts include future Social Security and Medicare obligations that are above what expected contributions will be, as well as insurance guarantees made by our government.  Im pretty sure that this does not include most of the $12,800,000,000,000 [$12.8 trillion] that I reported has been spent and/or promised for bailouts and “stimulus.”

The total listed in this clip is $78,800,000,000,000 [$78.8 trillion].  This is higher than the GDP for the entire world was in 2008.  This is quite scary to me.

I dont see how this wont lead to us printing massive amounts of money to cover this debt, seeing how there isnt enough money in the world to pay it off.  Of course, if we add another $12,800,000,000,000 [$12.8 trillion], than things are going to look even worse.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Government To Have Unlimited Access To Your Information?!?!

April 07, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

Hypocrisy.  Thats all this is.  That and an unprecedented intrusion into your personal privacy by the federal government.  RIP 4th Amendment.  It was fun while you lasted.

What am I talking about?  I am talking about the proposed Cybersecurity Act of 2009.  This bill was proposed by 2 Democrats–Jay Rockefeller and Bill Nelson–and 1 Republican–Olympia Snowe and grants the administration sweeping powers over the internet.  It establishes the Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor and grants that office, the President, and the Commerce Secretary unprecedented powers.

Under this bill, the President will be allowed to declare a cybersecurity emergency and shut down or limit traffic in in any “critical information network” when the President declares it to be in the “interest of national security.”  Of course, the bill defines neither a critical information network nor a cybersecurity emergency and leaves this power up to the President.

However, to me, the scary part is found in the new powers of the Commerce Secretary:  the Secretary will be given “access to all relevant data concerning networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access.

Ummmm… what?  Thats a scary sentence.  I think the worst part is… well… the whole thing is just awful.

You can find the complete text of the bill here.

From liberal blog Mother Jones: “This means he or she can monitor or access any data on private or public networks without regard to privacy laws.”

This proposed law doesnt just disregard privacy laws, it also disregards the 4th Amendment to our Constitution.

The 4th Amendment reads as follows:  “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Allowing the government the right to search internet records, without defining the scope of the governments search powers is a blatant violation of the 4th Amendment.

The hypocrisy argument comes in here:  the same people that opposed President Bush for signing the Patriot Act, implementing a warrantless wiretapping program, and keeping records of all phone calls made are the people supporting this measure.  If it is wrong under President Bush, it is wrong under President Obama.

I actually thing that this is a much bigger intrusion into privacy than was President Bush’s program.  While President Bush looked at records of phone calls and made the occasional (so we are told) warrantless wire tap, this plan could give the government unlimited access to an amazing amount of private information.

This is just too much power for the government (and especially one person in the government) to have.

Can anyone imagine how vocal the public opposition to this would have been if this had been supported by the Bush administration?  Can you imagine how loud the media would have been screaming about this if it was supported by President Bush?  Instead, Im willing to bet that unless you are a political junkie, you probably havent heard about this.

I opposed warrantless wiretapping and domestic spying under President Bush.  I oppose it under President Obama.  There is no need for this type of bill and I hope it fails.  However, I am hopeful that if this bill passes, it will be significantly pared down and hopefully vetoed by President Obama.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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