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Democrats Plan Fines Americans Who Refuse To Buy Health Coverage

July 03, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

The new nationalized health care bill from Senators Kennedy and Dodd just keeps getting worse.

According to the AP:  “Americans who refuse to buy affordable medical coverage could be hit with fines of more than $1,000 under a health care overhaul bill unveiled Thursday by key Senate Democrats looking to fulfill President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.”

I thought this was America.  I thought this was the land of the free.  I thought that people in this Nation were allowed to live their personal lives as they choose.

Apparently I thought wrong.

Who do these Senators and this President think they are?

Congress and President Obama have no right to fine people for choosing not to purchase health coverage.

If the President and others can justify abortion by citing privacy rights and the right to choose, cant the same rights be applied to those who privately choose not to purchase health insurance?

And what will happen if you dont purchase health insurance and then you refuse to pay the fines?  Will the government have you thrown in prison?

In lingo straight out of the socialist phrase book, these fines will be called “shared responsibility payments!”

Shared responsibility payments?  Are you kidding me?  I share absolutely NO responsibility for the health and well being of others. The punishment for not purchasing health care coverage should come in the form of denied or increased cost for services rendered, not a government imposed fine.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Democrats Health Care Plan Incentivizes Businesses That Drop Employee Coverage

July 02, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

Senators Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy have introduced a new health care bill to the Senate.  This bill will keep the same basic government run insurance plan as their previous bill.  Yet, this new plan also hits “large” businesses (defined as businesses with over 25 employees!!!) with “fines” of $750 for failing to provide employees with health insurance. The bill’s authors argue that this “fine” will force businesses to provide their employees with health care and will save the government money.  According to Senators Christopher Dodd and Ted Kennedy, this bill “virtually eliminates the dropping of currently covered employees from employer-sponsored health plans.”

Senators Dodd and Kennedy are either lying or are unbelievably stupid.

In fact, this bill only encourages employers to drop coverage for their employees.  According to the National Coalition on Health Care, “The annual premium for  single coverage [employer health plans] averaged over $4,700.

Under this plan, employers can drop their employees coverage, knowing that the government will pick up the tab.  Doing so will result in a “fine” of $750 per full time worker, but will actually result in cost savings around $4000 per employee!  This is a massive subsidy for corporations who choose not to insure their employees.

This plan will encourage employers to abandon their private insurance plans knowing that their employees will still be covered.  This will lead to a “race to the bottom” among companies because dropping coverage will lead to massive cost savings.

For example, at the end of last year Microsoft employed around 56,000 workers in America.  If they were to drop all of their employees’ health care plans, they would be subjected to fines of around $42 million  However, considering that the average health care plan costs employers around $4,700 per person, Microsoft would actually save around $221.2 million per year–after paying the “fines” by dropping coverage.

This new bill is a rotten one that will destroy private health insurance.  It will cause employers to drop coverage for their employees and will result in more Americans using the government “option.”

This bill will cost Americans a lot of money, will subsidize corporations who drop employee coverage, and will destroy the private insurance industry.  This bill will be ironically called the “Affordable Health Choices Act.”  Please call your Senator at 1-800-833-6354 and voice your opposition to this bill.  It will only take you two minutes.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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Overblown: The Non Existent Crisis Of The Uninsured

June 25, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

In debates on health care, one number seems to pop up repeatedly:  the claim that 45 million Americans are uninsured.  Proponents of government controlled health care argue that it is immoral to allow approximately 15% of our fellow citizens to be left without health care.

But, there is something that they arent telling you:  many (if not most) of those without health care in this country choose to not have health care.

Yes, at least 45 million Americans are not currently insured (according to most studies, but Ill get back to that later), but a closer look at the numbers tells a different story than the one that you have probably been told in the past.

I recently read John C. Goodman’s paper titled “Solving the Problem of the Uninsured,” and although I do not support the same solution that he does, I found his paper to be quite interesting.

Dr. Goodman took a hard look at the numbers and facts about the uninsured in this country and found some surprising information.

He wrote that the lack of health insurance can be compared to an experience like unemployment–many people experience it at one time or another, but it rarely is a long term problem.  For example, “75% of uninsured spells are over within 12 months.  Less than 10% last longer than 2 years.”

Many of the uninsured are actually eligible for government or job related health care, but chose not to that advantage of it: “there are between 10 and 14 million people who are theoretically eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP (for low income families who do not qualify for Medicaid) but do not bother to sign up.  This is almost one in every four uninsured persons in the country.”

“Furthermore, in most places people are able to enroll in Medicaid up to 3 months after they receive medical treatment.  Because these people can enroll at the drop of a hat, even after they have incurred medical expenses, are they not de facto insured even without the necessity of formal enrollment?”

“A lot of other people are also voluntarily uninsured.  For example, about 9 million people (more than one in five of the uninsured) are eligible for employer insurance and decline to enroll even though the employer share of the premium is usually nominal.”

Many of the uninsured in America actually have the money to purchase insurance, but for one reason or another chose not to:

“The largest increase in the number of uninsured in recent years has occurred among higher-income families.”

“Further, over the past decade, the number of uninsured increased by 54% in households earning between $50,000 and $75,000 and by 130% among households earning $75,000 or more.  By contrast, in households earning less than $50,000 the number of uninsured decreased approximately 3%.”

“Some information about middle-class families who are voluntarily uninsured is provided by a California survey of uninsured with incomes of more than 200% of poverty.  Forty percent owned their own homes and more than half owned a personal computer.  Twenty percent worked for an employer that offered health benefits, but half of those declined coverage for which they were eligible.  This group was not opposed to insurance in general, however, because 90% had purchased auto, home, or life insurance in the past.”

Now, lets add all of this up:  we have 10-14 million who are eligible for Medicaid or SCHIP, but do not enroll, and an additional 9 million that are eligible for benefits at work but do not sign up and we have between 19 and 23 million people in these two situations alone who are eligible for health insurance, but decline (or choose not to sign up for) it.

This takes a huge chunk out of the original 45 million number, bringing it down to a range between 22 and 26 million people who are uninsured and do not have the option to become insured.  This is a much smaller number, especially when you remember the above statistics that the vast majority of people who are uninsured are uninsured for less than a year.

But, there are also several reasons to doubt the 45 million number itself.  Dr. Goodman’s study cites a study by the CBO which “estimated the actual number of uninsured may be as low as 21 million.”  He also cites “another report [which] finds that, even using Census Bureau methods, the 45 million number is about 25% too high, or off by 9 million people.”  So, if those studies are correct, we have reduced the number of uninsured to 21-36 million.

And, if (and this is THE BIG IF) those two studies that he cited are correct and the number of uninsured is actually between 21-36 million, then it is safe to say that there is no major “insurance crisis” going on in this country.

Why?  Well, at least 19-23 million Americans are eligible for health insurance or coverage but do not take advantage of it.  Combining these numbers and the above numbers from the two studies (one of which came from the CBO), we are left with a range of anywhere from -2 million to 13 million uninsured.  13 million might seem like a huge number, but it is only around 4% of our population (and remember 13 million was the maximum).  There has got to be a way to take care of this small percentage of Americans that will cost less than President Obama’s $1,000,000,000,000 [$1 trillion] health care initiative.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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President Obama’s Healthcare Plan: Too Costly And Wont Insure Those It Targets

June 24, 2009 By: Phred Category: Uncategorized

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office recently released a report saying that the President’s healthcare plan would be very costly–the CBO estimated that the plan would cost around $1,000,000,000,000 [$1 trillion] in new debt and would only decrease the percentage of people without health insurance by around 1/3.  From the CBO director’s blog:  “According to our preliminary assessment, enacting the proposal would result in a net increase in federal budget deficits of about $1.0 trillion over the 2010-2019 period. When fully implemented, about 39 million individuals would obtain coverage through the new insurance exchanges. At the same time, the number of people who had coverage through an employer would decline by about 15 million (or roughly 10 percent), and coverage from other sources would fall by about 8 million, so the net decrease in the number of people uninsured would be about 16 million or 17 million.

In other words, this plan is extremely expensive and will only accomplish around 1/3 of its goal.

$1,000,000,000,000 [$1 trillion] over 10 years comes out to $100,000,000,000 [$100 billion] in new debt per year from this program.  If you divide that up amongst the $304 million people living in this country, the cost of this program in new debt per person per year is $328.95… BUT…

Not everyone pays (ie, the poor) or even files for taxes (ie, children) .  According to the IRS, 132,276,000 individual tax returns were filed in 2006.  Of these returns, 43,400,000 had no tax liability (and many actually had a negative tax liability).  This means that taxes were paid on 88,876,000 tax returns. [Note:  i used the 2006 IRS numbers because I was unable to find a percentage of returns that didnt pay taxes in 2007]

Now, if we take the $100,000,000,000 [$100 billion] and divide it up among the 88,876,000 income tax returns that paid taxes, we find that those Americans who do pay taxes will be forced to pay an average of $1125.16 per person per year to finance President Obama’s healthcare plan. Remember, this is an average–many Americans will be forced to pay much more than this.

And remember, this $1125.16 per taxpayer will only cover about 1/3 of those Americans who do not currently have health insurance.  Covering the other 2/3 will undoubtedly be much more expensive.

As a taxpayer, are you OK with the government telling you that you HAVE TO pay $1125.16 per year to pay for someone else’s healthcare?  If not, you need to call or email your representative and tell them that you oppose this plan–before it is too late.

Americanly Yours,

Phred Barnet

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